Have ready all the required documents outlined in the Student Employment Verification Checklist below. These documents should be original and current.
You must schedule an appointment using the following Calendly link:
Students must include email addresses for both their parent or guardian, and their Work Based Learning Coordinator ( when scheduling a Verification Session.
Both the Parent and the Coordinator will be copied on the Verification invitation, ensuring that the parent/guardian is aware that video will be used for the verification, though their presence is not required.
Prior To The Appointment
The student should:
Complete the Verification Sign in Form, and upload a completed, electronically signed copy of your I-9 page 1 into this form. The form and I-9 can be found below.
DO NOT include your Social Security Number on the I-9 page 1.
Note: Working papers are once again required for Verification for students under the age of 18. Students should check the Working Papers page for information on obtaining their working papers.
You will be emailed directly with a confirmation of the Verification Session, coordinators and parents will also receive confirmation.
If you do not see the email in your inbox, you should check your Spam folder.
It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared and on time for their session.
Students who do not have all their materials with them at the time of the session must reschedule.
If you are late or miss a session twice, you will no longer be allowed to Verify on your own, and must make arrangements with Mr. Adegbie.
If you need to cancel the session, for any reason, you must do so at least 24 hours prior to the session.