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Attention parents of 2024 graduate
Hi parents,
Thank you to everyone for attending CTEA's senior parent night. Below you will find all the information presented during the event. Please follow up with your son/daughter with the application process as well because this is a team effort where we all partake in your child's post-secondary goals. Also, please keep in mind that the student does not need to wait to be called by one of the bridge counselors or myself, they can simply walk into room 261 during their lunch only, to get started with their process. I have included the link and an attachment that has a QR code for the Family Income Inquiry Form(You do not need to apply for your child to receive meals. However, we do ask families to complete the Family Income Inquiry Form, which helps schools receive money for their programs)
Passcode: Q!r11d7U

Attention parents picking up your child!
Please schedule all appointments after school for your child to limit disruption to their school day. If it is necessary to have your child signed out during the school day, please do so prior to 2pm to avoid any major delays.
Resoures on postsecondary planning and financial aid

Important! Please sign up for your NYCSA
( Schools Account.)
Please disregard if you already have a NYCSA account. Each parent should create an account where applicable. Below is a button that will link you to information on creating your NYCSA account. Please call: 718-846-6280 for further assistance.
Attention parents picking up your child!
Please schedule all appointments after school for your child to limit disruption to their school day. If it is necessary to have your child signed out during the school day, please do so prior to 2pm to avoid any major delays.
Student's Excused Absence Form
Please login with your child's email
Has your child tested positive for Covid?
Please complete this form.
We invite you to support and join our PTA by comitting to annual dues at only $20 per family.
Send funds safely via Zelle to our email account pta@hsforctea.org
Donations are accepted via check or money order made payable to "HS CTEA-PTA" mailed or hand delivered to the school address 94-06 10th Street Ozone Park 11416
PTA Members Cabinet
PTA Co-President: John Escalante
PTA Co-President: Michelle Gambino
PTA Co-Vice President: Maritza Nieves
PTA Co-Vice President: Katherine Kuilan
PTA Co-Vice President: Steve Tarantola
PTA Treasurer: Diana Tarantola
PTA Co-Secretary: Jeannette Cortes
PTA Co-Secretary:Lynette Correa
General Meeting Link
Lakeisha Gordon, Principal
Karen Han, AP Organization / Science / Phys Ed/Health
Rivky Broyde, AP SPED / Math / Guidance / Discipline
Katuraka Alston - Mullgrav , AP / Humanities / CTE
9th - Kirk Martin | Kmartin16@schools.nyc.gov | & | Katherine Evans | Kevans15@schools.nyc.gov
10th - Devika Lall | Dlall@schools.nyc.gov
11th - Brad Shenkman | Bshenkm@schools.nyc.gov
12th - Brianna Olfano | Bolfano@schools.nyc.gov | & | Usman Ahmed | Uahmed@schools.nyc.gov
Caressa Sue (Architecture) | Csue@schools.nyc.gov
Madeline Acosta (Construction) | Macosta50@schools.nyc.gov
Larry Balthazar (Engineering) | Lbalthazar4@schools.nyc.gov
Orquidea Luna (College Counselor) | Oluna@schools.nyc.gov
Thank you for adhering to our CTEA uniform policy.
Students are expected to wear a CTEA school uniform shirt, hoodie, or sweater and khakis. Khaki cargos and khaki joggers are allowed. The CTEA gym shirt and shorts are to be worn only during the gym period. Students must change back into their school uniform before leaving the gym area.
Please note:
Tank tops and midriff shirts are not allowed as substitutes for CTEA uniform tops.
The pant colors are khaki and black. If wearing khaki or black shorts, the length of the shorts must be past thigh level. Jeans (including ripped and distressed jeans), sweatpants, tights and leggings (of any kind) are not allowed to be worn as a substitute for pants.
On FRIDAYS, all students can wear tops from CTEA sports teams, clubs, organizations, academic achievements (for ex., honor roll) and CTEA sponsored activities (for ex., Anti-Bullying Week). Any CTEA tops purchased from Speedy Embroidery & Printing can also be worn on Fridays.