CTEA Uniform Policy / Dress Code
HS for CTEA views the Dress Code as an important aspect of our educational program. The nature of such a code is that it develops a sense of unity, personal pride, and responsibility, while reinforcing the attitude that school is a serious place in which to work and learn, while preparing the student for professional life.
All students are required to wear a CTEA short or long-sleeved shirt or a CTEA hoodie with the school's logo/name visible at all times. Students must wear a CTEA shirt underneath the CTEA zip-up hoodie. The CTEA gym shirt, however, cannot be worn underneath the zip-up hoodie as it is not considered uniform outside of the gymnasium. All students are required to wear solid-colored pants, shorts, capris or skirts, and they must be at an appropriate length ie. knee length or longer. Additionally, students must wear fully closed shoes or sneakers at all times.
All students must wear the CTEA gym uniform that is required. Sneakers are mandatory during gym. The CTEA gym shirt and shorts are to be worn only during your gym period. Students must change back into their school uniform before leaving the gym area.
Crocs, slides, slippers, flip flops, crop tops, midriffs, sweatpants, jeans, ripped pants, and leggings are NOT considered uniform. All students are expected to enter the school building in Dress Code. Special safety modifications may be required for the students’ CTE classes.
Students who violate the Dress Code shall be required to modify their appearance accordingly. If necessary, students may be asked to replace unacceptable attire with an acceptable item provided by the school, or the student’s parents may be called and asked to bring in the appropriate attire. An Out of Uniform pass will be given to any student who is not in full uniform. This must be presented to each teacher upon entering the classroom or to any faculty member who asks to see it during the school day. There will be a parent conference for students who repeatedly violate the Dress Code.